Packaging Personalized bio technology Design Method of Intangible Cultural Heritage Cultural and Creative Product Based On 3D Printing


  • Liu Zhiwei School of Design & Innovation,Changzhou Vocational Institute of Mechatronic Technology,Changzhou, 213164 ,China
  • Fan Xu School of Design & Innovation,Changzhou Vocational Institute of Mechatronic Technology,Changzhou, 213164 ,China



Nowadays, the packaging personalized design method of unique cultural heritage cultural and creative products has the problem of imperfect assembly model, resulting in too long printing time. A packaging personalized design method of intangible cultural heritage creative and cultural products based on 3D printing is designed. Take the creative content and hardware objects as the carrier, identify the value attributes of intangible cultural heritage creative products, extract the product technical features by 3D printing, increase the collision volume on the objective function, introduce the concepts of spatial division search and tetrahedral mesh generation, construct the mechanical assembly model by using the crush algorithm, and formulate the packaging personalized assembly sequence design scheme in combination with the characteristics of the modeling itself. Experimental results: the mean printing time for the unique cultural heritage product packaging is 23.977h, 28.587h and 28.159h, which states that the unique cultural heritage product packaging personalized design approach integrating 3D printing have higher utilization value. The national culture's greatest asset is its intangible cultural legacy. In nations and places where the preservation awareness is low and the finances are short, it is difficult to safeguard intangible cultural property. It is possible to have a positive relationship between the preservation of cultural heritage and the growth of tourist goods. Intangible cultural heritage's trademark tourism products have remained mostly unchanged throughout time. 3D printing technology is used in this research to investigate the creative products of intangible cultural heritage tourism, examine the development techniques and issues, and look to the future.





Research Article