Modernization of national governance system and Entrepreneurial Orientation for the use of information-sharing platform


  • Xiaohua Zhang School of Marxism Studies, Renmin University of China, Beijing, 100872, China
  • Guiping Li School of Accounting, Hebei Finance University, Baoding, 071051, China



The article discusses the leading modernization of the national governance system and entrepreneurial orientation for the use of the information-sharing platform, mainly discussing the importance, necessity, and opportunities for application. The article is based on the author's academic research of the national governance system and information-sharing platform, which demonstrates that modernization takes place on three levels, i.e., national level, administrative level, and organizational level. The national level shows that this issue is about the government's function of managing civil affairs, which has been gradually changing from focusing on security to emphasizing human rights; it also shows that during this process, as before, human rights and civil affairs are inseparable. The administrative level shows that China's current approach to modernization is based on "going out" from the center and "in" from the periphery because local governments are encouraged to become their own driving force for development. The experimental results show that the information sharing coverage of the design platform is significantly higher than that of the control group, which can solve the problem of low information sharing coverage of the traditional platform.

