Analyzing Factors Influencing Student Achievement: A Financial and Agricultural Perspective Using SPSS Statistical Analysis Software


  • Jiansong Chen Clinical Medical School, Cangzhou Medical College, Cangzhou City, Hebei Province, China
  • Hongjing Pang Clinical Medical School, Cangzhou Medical College, Cangzhou City, Hebei Province, China



This study delves into the multifaceted realm of student achievement, investigating the factors that influence academic performance through a comprehensive modeling analysis. Employing the renowned SPSS Statistical Analysis Software, we explore the intricate interplay between various determinants and student success. In a unique fusion of financial and agricultural perspectives, we dissect the potential impact of these factors on academic outcomes. The data for this study was gathered from a private upper elementary school in Florida where all grades are taught by one teacher for both languages of instruction, English and Spanish. The overall response rate for survey was 26.5%. The data was analyzed using SPSS and determined the following findings: Factor 1 (Teachers' behaviors) is the most influential factor. Factor 2 (Parental support) is also a strong factor affecting student achievement. Factor 3 (Learning environment) and Factor 4 (Student motivation) were not influential factors affecting achievement. Factors 1, 2, 3, and 4 were able to adjust the lowest level of student performance with positive impacts in at least 17% of the students' ability to perform at their best level of ability. The teacher behaviors were able to modify the highest level of student performance with positive impacts in at least 58% of the students' ability to perform at their best level of ability. The parental support was able to modify the lowest level of student achievement with negative impacts in at least 18% of the students' ability to perform at their best level of ability. The learning environment, student motivation, and teachers' behaviors can be used as tools by educators in order to improve student achievement.

