Enhancing Biotechnological Processes: Application of Mechatronics Simulation Software in Bioreactor Design and Optimization


  • Yihui Chen Department of Automation Engineering, Tangshan Polytechnic College, Tangshan, Hebei, China, 063299
  • Hongxing LI Tangshan Yate Special Purpose Vehicle Co., Ltd., Tangshan ,Hebei,China,063000
  • Shuzhong Zhao College of Mechanical Engineering, North China University of Science and Technology, Tangshan, Hebei ,China ,063210




This paper, explores the application of mechatronics simulation software in optimizing bioreactor design and function within the biotechnology industry. Mechatronics simulation software, traditionally used by engineers globally to design, simulate, and analyze various mechanical and electronic devices, has increasingly integrated electronics at both component and system levels. This integration is crucial for the complex demands of biotechnological processes. The ability of this software to accurately simulate bioreactors under various standard conditions and flow dynamics enables professionals to make informed modifications and optimizations, tailoring systems to specific biotechnological needs. This article discusses two key applications: optimizing bioreactor design to minimize fluid storage requirements and enhancing flow rate efficiency. These applications are vital in settings where space and operational pressures pose significant challenges. The findings from our research demonstrate the reliability and efficacy of the logistics planning system designed using this simulation software, confirming its utility in enhancing the operational efficiency of biotechnological processes.

