Strategic Marketing Innovations to Enhance Sales Revenue in Small Biotechnology Firms


  • Huijuan Zhang Department of Finance and Economics, Shanxi Engineering Vocational College,Taiyuan,030009,Shanxi,China



Business-to-business (B2B) marketing is crucial in the biotechnology sector, where firms must market their innovations and products to other businesses rather than directly to consumers. This study shifts focus from the conventional understanding of B2B marketing in areas like food packaging and chemicals to strategic marketing in the biotechnology industry. Unlike traditional consumer goods that appeal directly to individual customers, biotechnological products often require intricate marketing strategies that highlight technological advancements and innovative applications. This paper explores effective marketing strategies specifically tailored to enhance sales revenue in small biotechnology enterprises. It delves into the unique challenges these firms face in a highly specialized market, identifying key tactics that can lead to successful marketing outcomes. The study underscores the importance of positioning biotechnological products effectively within the B2B marketplace to optimize sales and drive business growth. The findings suggest that tailored marketing approaches, emphasizing the scientific and technological benefits of products, can significantly impact revenue generation in small biotech firms.

