Development of a Virtual Display System on MapGIS for 3D Biotechnological Models


  • Dazhi Liu Xiamen Academy of arts and design.Fuzhou university ,Xiamen China,361024
  • Yue Zhu Xiamen Academy of arts and design.Fuzhou university ,Xiamen China,361024



Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have evolved beyond traditional mapping to become powerful tools for visualizing complex data in intuitive and impactful ways. In the realm of biotechnology, this capability is harnessed through the development of a virtual display system using the MapGIS platform, specifically tailored for displaying 3D models of biotechnological structures and processes. This system translates intricate biotechnological data, such as protein configurations or cellular interactions, into dynamic, colour-coded 3D models that enhance visual comprehension and facilitate informed decision-making. The system's technical architecture utilizes geographic coordinates to anchor biotechnological data points, allowing for an innovative presentation of spatial and structural information. The interface, optimized for responsiveness and mobile access, supports the interactive exploration of biotechnological models. To demonstrate the system’s capabilities, it was tested with a variety of 3D biotechnological models, including detailed simulations of viral structures and complex cellular components. The potential for these virtual displays in biotechnological research and education is vast, offering a new dimension of accessibility to complex biological systems. However, despite the technological advancements, the digital preservation of 3D biotechnological models faces challenges. This paper discusses the development of a robust online repository for these models, which not only preserves digital assets but also supports their expansion based on ongoing research needs. The study addresses several technological challenges and outlines future improvements to enhance the repository’s functionality and user engagement.

