Exploring the Neurobiological Effects of Music: Insights from Baldwin’s 'Sonny’s Blues' and Wilson’s 'The Piano Lesson' for Biotechnological Applications


  • Fang Liu Conservatory of Music, Henan Polytechnic, Zhengzhou 450000, Henan, China
  • Linjie Cui Conservatory of Music, Henan Polytechnic, Zhengzhou 450000, Henan, China




This paper explores the neurobiological impacts of music as depicted in James Baldwin’s "Sonny's Blues" and August Wilson’s "The Piano Lesson," examining how these narratives reflect the profound psychological and emotional effects of music on human behavior and mental health. Baldwin’s story, set in Harlem, delves into the turbulent life of Sonny, who struggles with heroin addiction and finds solace and expression in jazz music. Wilson’s play, set in 1930s Pittsburgh, portrays a family’s conflict over a cherished piano, symbolizing their heritage, where music serves as a conduit for historical and familial connections. By analyzing these works, we aim to illuminate the underlying themes of music as a therapeutic modality, potentially applicable in biotechnological fields such as music therapy. These narratives suggest that music can bridge emotional rifts and catalyze personal recovery, which may be harnessed in biotechnological settings to design innovative therapeutic strategies. The interplay between music and neurology highlighted in these literary works provides a unique lens through which to examine the potential of music in enhancing cognitive functions and emotional well-being. This study contends that the emotional and cognitive responses elicited by music, as portrayed by Baldwin and Wilson, can inform biotechnological approaches to treating mental health issues and improving emotional resilience. The exploration of these themes points towards a broader understanding of how music influences the brain, suggesting that biotechnological interventions could capitalize on music’s therapeutic potential to address various psychological and neurological conditions.

