How to target the Digital health development of children in preschool education


  • Lili Wang Mudanjiang Normal College, School of Education and science, Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang 157011 China
  • Yan Teng Mudanjiang Normal College, School of Education and science, Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang 157011 China



The term "youth improvement" refers to a child's development from birth until the age of eight regarding their physical, mental, phonetic, and social aptitude. This improvement takes place in variety of locations (homes, schools, health clinics, community-based centers), and it includes a wide range of activities from child care to nutrition to parent education. Open, private, and non-benefit associations are all capable of providing administrations. There are various stages of youth development, each with an interesting set of requirements. Prenatal care, attendance at births, enlisting, and postpartum care Younger students from the most vulnerable and disadvantaged families, especially children with special needs for early childhood development, require the most high-quality services and care in terms of development. 0-3 parent instruction, early feeling and sustenance intercessions, locally situated care, crèches; 3-6 parent training; preschool; 6-8 exchange to formal tutoring; further developed early grade. To guarantee that a country's children develop appropriately, enough investment in early childhood development is necessary. In this study, we investigated at the reliability of the Questionnaire as well as how schooling affected the growth of preschool education.

