Research on mathematical teaching innovation strategy and best practices based on deep learning algorithm


  • Li Zhen Jiangxi Technical College of Manufacturing



The basic aim of this research study is determine the Research on mathematical teaching innovation strategy and best practices based on deep learning algorithm. This research study based on primary data analysis. The mathematical teaching innovation strategy consider as independent variable the best practices role play as mediator and the deep learning algorithm is main dependent variable. for measuring the research study used specific questions related to the indicator included open ended and closed ended questions. This research study conduct in china these data collected from teaching staff, education departments of universities and colleges, also that data collected from senior students how have knowledge about mathematical innovation strategy. For determining the result used smart PLS software and run different results included indicator correlation, discriminant validity, smart PLS Algorithm model, and total effect between dependent, independent variables and mediator variables. according to the overall research result founded that the mathematical teaching innovation strategy shows that positive relation with best practices its shows that significant relation between them. The mathematical teaching innovation strategy shows that negative but significant relation with deep learning.

