How biotechnology could revolutionize the construction industry and green building project


  • Song Jincan Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics, China



The construction industry has been a vital contributor to the economy for many years. However, it is also known for being one of the biggest polluters, emitting a significant amount of carbon dioxide and consuming a vast amount of resources. Biotechnology is emerging as a promising solution to address the environmental impact of the construction industry. This abstract explores how biotechnology could revolutionize the construction industry and green building projects. It highlights the potential of biotechnology to reduce the environmental impact of construction through the use of sustainable materials and techniques. The study reviews the various biotechnology-based approaches that could improve the construction process, such as the use of genetically modified bacteria to produce bio-based materials and the use of biocatalysts to enhance the durability and strength of building materials. The study also examines the potential impact of biotechnology on the green building industry, with a focus on the development of energy-efficient and sustainable buildings. The study concludes that biotechnology has the potential to transform the construction industry by enabling the production of sustainable materials, enhancing the durability and strength of building materials, and improving the energy efficiency of buildings, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly built environment.


