Expression of folk art in urban landscape design in health care sector under the optimized interactive genetic algorithm


  • Jiaqi Yan Graduate School,Emilio aguinaldo college,Manila,1007,Philippines



The integration of folk art into urban landscape design has become increasingly popular in the healthcare sector, as it is believed to positively impact patient well-being and recovery. The use of interactive genetic algorithms (IGA) has optimized the design process by enabling designers to use computational tools to generate and refine design solutions that effectively incorporate folk art into the urban landscape. The interactive genetic algorithm involves an iterative process where designers input their preferences and the system generates variations of the design based on these preferences. The designers then provide feedback on these variations, leading to further refinement and improvement of the design. This approach enables designers to quickly and efficiently generate and refine landscape design solutions that meet the specific needs of healthcare facilities. Folk art is a particularly effective design element in healthcare settings because it is often associated with positive emotions, memories, and cultural identities. By incorporating folk art into the urban landscape design of healthcare facilities, designers can create an environment that is comforting, familiar, and culturally sensitive, which can positively impact patient outcomes. Overall, the use of interactive genetic algorithms to optimize the incorporation of folk art into urban landscape design in healthcare facilities represents a promising approach to creating spaces that support patient well-being and recovery. This approach can lead to the creation of healthcare environments that are not only functional and efficient but also aesthetically pleasing and culturally relevant.

