Fostering Personal Growth of College Teacher Educators: An Ecological Perspective for Advancing Biotechnological Education and Innovation
The advancement of biotechnological education is essential for fostering innovation and supporting commercialization in the biotechnology sector. College teacher educators play a pivotal role in shaping the next generation of biotechnological professionals by enhancing the quality of teaching and learning. Their continuous personal and professional growth is critical for developing a robust educational infrastructure that supports biotechnological research and commercialization. This study explores the personal growth of college teacher educators through the lens of the ecology of human development theory, which emphasizes the dynamic interactions between individuals and their environments. By reviewing and analyzing existing literature, the research highlights how these interactions influence educators' self-development, thereby contributing to the broader educational ecosystem. The findings reveal that college teacher educators can achieve meaningful personal growth by fostering collaborative relationships, adapting to evolving educational environments, and integrating interdisciplinary knowledge, particularly in rapidly advancing fields such as biotechnology. This ecological approach provides a framework for designing professional development programs that not only enhance educators' competencies but also align with the needs of the biotechnological industry. Ultimately, the study offers strategic insights into how educator growth can drive educational excellence, promote biotechnological innovation, and support the commercialization of biotechnology through effective knowledge transfer and talent development.