Examining the Progressive Integration Pathway of the Eco-Health Concept into teaching from the Perspective of Bioinformatics Engineering


  • Junqing Lu School of International Education (Department of Foreign Language Teaching), Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute, Kaifeng, Henan, 475000, China




Based on the theoretical foundation of ecological health, this paper explores the manifestations and causes of imbalance in English education in colleges and universities in different ecological niches to analyze its ecological factors and ecological characteristics in a targeted manner, and carries out macro-ecological research on English education in colleges and universities from the cross-sectional perspective of system science. Using the inclusiveness of ecology as a research tool, the benign factors of the college English ecological curriculum are explored, and the college English ecological teaching model is constructed through the introduction of systematic teaching design. The results of the application of the ecological teaching model of college English showed that the positive nutrient conversion t=4.850 and the negative nutrient conversion t=3.327 for the ecological teaching model in the posttest, indicating that the implementation of the ecological teaching model had more positive than negative effects on students' English proficiency. It can be seen that the ecological teaching model of college English improves and optimizes the design of college English teaching and pursues the harmonious, balanced and sustainable development of college English courses.

