Exploring Integration Strategies of Management and Residents’ Bio-Health Elements


  • Ping Lyu School of Management, Suqian University, Suqian, Jiangsu, 223800, China




Healthy community communication has a positive significance for improving public health literacy. Based on the social ecology theory, this paper also combines the extended health management model to develop a framework of evaluation scales for community resource development and utilization. The framework includes eight dimensions: formulating supporting policies, creating a supportive environment, promoting community prevention and treatment, reforming management mechanisms, reconstructing service protocols, securing resource needs, building professional teams, and promoting community health. The model of community management and the dissemination of residents' health elements were constructed from the ecosystem theory consisting of a microsystem and a macro system. The integration of community management and resident health elements showed that the VIF values of the respective variables in the model were less than 5, and there was no significant multicollinearity. And the Hosmer Lemeshow goodness-of-fit tests are all greater than 0.05, and the model fits the data well. It indicates that the integration of community management and resident health elements plays an important role in improving the health of residents.

