Bioethical Considerations in Cultivating Dual-Teacher Educators for Vocational Institutions


  • Fang Wang School of Information Engineering, Changzhou Vocational Institute of Mechatronic Technology, Changzhou, Jiangsu, 213164, China



As vocational education experiences a nationwide surge in development, the integration of bioethics into vocational education has garnered increasing societal consensus. This paper introduces a project management methodology and system for "dual-teacher-teacher training" in higher vocational education while emphasizing the ethical dimensions informed by bioethics. The study systematically explores the stages of pre-preparation, mid-term implementation, post-assessment, and control in "dual-teacher-teacher training" from a bioethical perspective. It underscores the critical importance of ethical considerations in shaping the preparation and development of educators who possess both practical vocational skills and pedagogical expertise. The research presents a project management-based framework for "dual-teacher" teacher training in higher vocational education and validates its ethical implications through a case study conducted in ethnic areas. The results demonstrate the feasibility of this approach, reflecting not only quantitative success in the number of "dual-teacher" educators but also ethical soundness, with ethical indices meeting or exceeding acceptable thresholds. In conclusion, this paper offers an optimized strategy for "dual-teacher" training in higher education institutions, underpinned by bioethical considerations. The ethical framework and insights presented herein hold substantial value for institutions committed to cultivating "dual-teacher" educators who are competent and ethically responsible within the realm of vocational education.

