Application of biochip-mediated virtual reality technology in environmental art design


  • Ziqi Lu School of Landscape Engineering, Suzhou Polytechnic Institute of Agriculture, Suzhou, Jiangsu, 215008, China



Biochips have been widely used in many fields in recent years, and the quality of biochips determines the accuracy of the detection results of virtual reality technology. This paper first studies the detection of biochip workpiece size and position offset. The curve energy generalization is minimized by continuous iteration to find the target edge profile. At the same time, the least squares method is used to fit the straight line and the Hough straight line fit to obtain the straight line parameters and calculate the workpiece size and the offset angle. Then, based on biochip-mediated virtual reality technology characteristics, we study the application cases of VR technology in the fields of interior design, landscape design, and urban planning and derive the trend of VR in environmental art design. The experimental samples are selected, correlation analysis is performed, and the results show that all of them are positively correlated at a 0.01 significance level, and their correlation coefficients are 0.776, 0.481 and 0.831, respectively. Except for the low correlation coefficient between fun and satisfaction, immersion and manipulability strongly correlate with presence. This study enriches the application of VR technology in the design field and catalyzes the development of environmental art design.

