Green Health in Music: Metaphorical Water Imagery and Artistic Tension


  • Yu Huang Guangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanning, Guangxi, 530007, China
  • Yumei Ou Guangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanning, Guangxi, 530007, China



The rich tapestry of renowned ballad culture, deeply interwoven with ecological consciousness and green health principles, forms the crux of this study. This paper delves into the metaphorical representation of water, not just as a source of artistic imagery but as a symbol deeply connected to green health - reflecting the interplay between human emotions, environmental sustainability, and traditional production life. Employing metaphor theory, we map 'water' as the foundational domain, transferring its inherent qualities to a broader ecological and health-focused context, thereby constructing a nuanced art mapping mechanism that bridges water ecology and song. Central to our approach is the enhanced coupling model of watershed water ecological carrying capacity zoning. This model facilitates in-depth analysis of the cumulative interrelations between the functional zoning of water ecology, environmental stewardship, and the cultural-artistic essence of ballads. Our findings reveal a symbiotic relationship between varying water system cultures, characterized by hydrological frequencies of P=50%, 70%, and 90%. Each system fosters distinct water ecological cultures – reverence as the essence of life, gratitude as the value of life, and responsibility as the true meaning of life – which mutually permeate and influence one another across three distinct levels. Furthermore, this paper explores how the narrative and musical artistry of ballads can intertwine to enhance the listener's aesthetic experience, fostering an appreciation for the sensibilities of green health. This exploration allows for a deeper enjoyment of the songs and perpetuates the traditional Chinese cultural ethos of 'goodness is like water', highlighting its relevance in contemporary ecological and health discourses. Through this intricate exploration, the study aims to underscore the vital role of green health in the artistic and cultural interpretation of water within the realm of ballad music

