Biotechnology-Driven Branding Strategies for Agricultural Products: Impact on Consumer Purchase Intentions


  • Jiao Dai Department of Food Service and Management, Faculty of Food Science and Technology, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.
  • Wan Melissa binti Wan Hassan Department of Food Service and Management, Faculty of Food Science and Technology, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.
  • Jing Zhang Guizhou Testing Technology Research and Application Centre, Guiyang 550014, Guizhou Province, China.
  • Bing Yang Guizhou Academy of Testing and Analysis, Guiyang 550014, Guizhou Province, China.



This review explores the influence of branding on consumers' purchase intentions for agricultural products, with a specific focus on the role of biotechnology in enhancing brand value and consumer trust. By employing content analysis, the study examines key concepts including "agricultural products," "brand," "purchase intention," "quality," "perceived value," "nutrition," and "characteristic agricultural products." The findings indicate that brand trust significantly and positively influences consumer purchase intentions, serving as a complete mediator in the transmission of perceived negativity. However, its mediating role in the relationship between other variables and purchase intention remains less definitive. The review adopts a systematic six-step methodology, encompassing the definition of research goals, comprehensive literature searches, study selection, data extraction, result synthesis, and presentation of findings. The analysis highlights how biotechnology can enhance the branding of agricultural products by improving product quality, nutritional value, and sustainability—factors that are increasingly important to consumers. These biotechnological advancements contribute to stronger brand trust and higher perceived value, ultimately influencing purchase decisions. The study concludes that branding is a pivotal factor in shaping consumer purchase intentions for agricultural products, with brand trust playing a central mediating role. The integration of biotechnology into branding strategies not only enhances consumer confidence but also aligns agricultural products with evolving market demands for health-conscious and sustainable solutions. The insights provided are valuable for marketers and policymakers seeking to develop innovative branding strategies that leverage biotechnological advancements to boost market competitiveness and consumer engagement.


