Leveraging Biochip Technology for Advanced Privacy Protection and Encrypted Communication in Commercial Networks


  • Yubao Wu Information Technology Department, Nanjing Forest Police College, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210023, China




This paper embarks on a detailed exploration of biochip technology, starting with its foundational definition and progressing to its application in the realm of network security within commercial environments. Utilizing advanced micron/nanofabrication techniques, we elaborate on the development of biochips tailored for security purposes. The innovative algorithms designed for privacy protection and encrypted communication across computer networks are central to our investigation. For the safeguarding of privacy, we implement homomorphic encryption algorithms renowned for their ability to perform computations on encrypted data without needing to decrypt it. Simultaneously, we enhance encrypted communication through the adoption of refined Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) digital signature algorithms, providing a robust framework against potential cyber threats. To empirically validate the efficacy of biochip technology in this context, we design a prototype encryption chip based on biochip principles, followed by rigorous simulation experiments. Our findings reveal that the biochip-enhanced encryption chip exhibits encryption and decryption speeds of 165.27Mb/s and 128.29Mb/s, respectively. Furthermore, it demonstrates superior resistance to power consumption attacks, with a transient current variance of [0.25mA,0.75mA] across 1000-2000 power samples, underscoring the technology's potential to significantly elevate the data processing speed of encrypted communication in commercial networks. The incorporation of biochip technology thus presents a promising avenue for bolstering privacy protection and secure communication, effectively mitigating the threat landscape in the digital era.

