Linking entrepreneurial education and interactive learning with post-graduate success for biotechnology programs: identifying the moderating role of the usefulness of co-teaching R&D


  • Moe Ryosuke Department of Chemical Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai, Osaka, Japan.
  • Hiroyasu Ogino Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.



The current study investigates the adoption of entrepreneurial education and interactive learning approaches that contribute to the success of biotechnology post-graduate students within the framework of Malaysian higher education institutions. Furthermore, this research aims to analyze the moderating influence that co-teaching R&D has on the relationship between the variables. This is done by analyzing the data. A self-structured, closed questionnaire comprising a five-point Likert scale was developed to acquire information from a sample of 215 students in higher education who functioned as participants in the research study. The existing body of research on efficient educational practices, learning methodologies, and the accomplishments of post-graduate students served as the foundation for developing a measurement scale. The researchers conducted a quantitative investigation to evaluate the usefulness of the acquired information. As described in the scale, these tests are distinguished by consistency, reliability, and validity. The Cronbach coefficient was used to determine the consistency reliability of the scale, and the results ranged from 0.707 to 0.968, with 0.972 being the overall assessment of the scale’s consistency reliability. On the other hand, established validity by utilizing factor analysis and retained items with factor loadings of 0.500 or above in the subsequent analysis. The findings of the study also offered the researchers potential future applications.

