Leveraging Digital Health for Strategic Advancement in the Sports Industry: A Multivariate Analysis and Developmental Pathway
This study explores the integration of digital health concepts within the sports industry, focusing on the behavioral stages of physical activity and the construction of a cross-theoretical model linking digital health literacy with physical activity behavior. The research investigates the mediating effects of internal factors in this model and employs statistical methods to analyze the multivariate value of physical activity behaviors influenced by digital health technologies. Data sources and variable measurement techniques were carefully selected to ensure robust analysis, using multidimensional motivational factors to delineate a pathway for the high-quality and coordinated development of the sports industry. The findings reveal significant insights into the mediation pathways: digital health literacy alongside self-efficacy shows a moderate mediation effect (18.16%) in changing sports behaviors, whereas the combination of digital health literacy with the process of change presents a much stronger mediation effect (63.62%). Additionally, the study identifies critical differences in the sports management ecosystem related to age demographics, technological advancement, regional market demands, and sports population size, all of which significantly influence the industry’s development (P<0.05). The results underscore the potential of digital health technologies to foster a rapid and high-quality development trajectory for the sports industry, establishing an effective model for its sustainable and coordinated growth.