Harnessing Digital Health Technologies for Enhancing Foreign Language Education in Higher Institutions: A Biotechnological Approach
This paper investigates the neurophysiological underpinnings of foreign language vocabulary acquisition, leveraging digital health concepts to enhance understanding of higher cognitive functions such as conceptualization, reasoning, memory, and language processing. Through an immersive study in environments enriched with digital health tools, we identify three modal neuro-stimulation mechanisms critical for language learning: linguistic representation, imagery schema representation, and neural representation. The research utilizes a combination of behavioral assessments and time-domain Event-Related Potential (ERP) measurements to analyze how college students learn and process foreign language vocabulary. Particularly, we focus on the differential neural activities observed under various representational conditions. Experimental results indicate a significant disparity in the ERP amplitudes between the left brain's FC3 area (M=4.837±0.415 ?V) and the right brain's FC9 area (M=4.019±0.392 ?V) under propositional representation conditions, correlating with substantial differences in foreign language vocabulary recognition accuracy. These findings not only advance our understanding of the cognitive mechanisms involved in language learning but also underscore the potential of digital health technologies to refine and optimize foreign language education. By integrating neurophysiological data into teaching strategies, this study provides valuable insights that could lead to more effective and personalized language learning interventions in higher education settings.