Enhancing English Language Education Through Bio Cognitive Technologies: Innovations in Teaching Model Upgrades
This study investigates the interplay between bio cognitive characteristics and English language proficiency among college students, focusing on cognitive control aspects such as inhibitory control, cognitive flexibility, and working memory. Utilizing biotechnological approaches, the research examines the neural mechanisms underlying cognitive control in English learning by conducting an experimental study with behavioral and EEG methodologies. The experiment involved 100 second-year college students enrolled in an intensive English program at the University of H, analyzing their responses to lexical-semantic tasks under varying cognitive load conditions. The EEG results highlighted distinct neural activities associated with language processing, where the N400 effect—indicative of semantic processing—was notably smaller under high cognitive load conditions (M = 6.11 ± 9.09 ?V) compared to low cognitive load (M = 5.37 ± 8.83 ?V, ? = 0.77, t = 2.48, p = 0.013). Additionally, the alpha band (6-15 Hz) showed the strongest LPC peak during tasks that imposed higher cognitive demands in second language processing. These findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the bio cognitive factors that influence English language acquisition and suggest potential areas for enhancing teaching models through biotechnological innovations. By integrating cognitive neuroscience with traditional linguistic methods, this research offers valuable insights for developing more effective English language educational strategies that are tailored to the cognitive profiles of learners, potentially leading to improved educational outcomes in biotechnologically advanced learning environments.