Transforming Global Trade Dynamics: The Impact of Information Technology and Digital Health on Economic Development
This study addresses the burgeoning field of digital health products within the international economic trade landscape, emphasizing the need for enhanced quality supervision to facilitate global exports. Inspired by regulatory strategies from the United States, we propose a tailored approach to digital health product quality regulation for China, aiming to foster compliance and boost international competitiveness. Furthermore, we outline five strategic development paths for digital health products in international trade contexts. To assess the evolution and quality of international economic trade development, a comprehensive framework was established, incorporating 32 relevant indicators into a robust development quality evaluation index system. This system enables a detailed analysis of the dynamics and quality of trade development. Empirical analysis was then conducted to scrutinize China’s international economic trade development quality, employing a complex network structure to interpret the reconstruction and evolutionary trends of the international trade patterns. The findings reveal significant growth in China's export trade, from 2.51 trillion yuan to 22.98 trillion yuan over the studied period. However, disparities in development among various regions highlight the necessity for targeted developmental strategies to achieve balanced growth. The study also tracks significant shifts in the international economic and trade configurations over the past 18 years, moving from higher to lower-level configurations, signaling a dynamic restructuring in global trade patterns. This research underscores the pivotal role of digital health technologies in reshaping international trade dynamics and enhancing economic development quality. The integration of these technologies not only contributes to the economic scaling but also to the strategic realignment of trade practices on a global scale.