Biotechnology in Argentina: Development and Resources


  • Claudia Zylberberg Akron Biotechnology
  • Asli Ceylan Oner Florida Atlantic University
  • Ezequiel Zylberberg Ezequiel Zylberberg holds an MSc in Development Studies from the London School of Economics and Political Science. His studies focused on the political economy of Latin America and on development history, theory and policy. Primary research interests include global value chains and industrial development, smallholder-inclusive business models and developmental states. He has conducted primary research on global value chains in Latin America and Eastern Africa.



Biotechnology, research and development, innovation, Argentina


Biotechnology related developments in Argentina have gained momentum in the past few years. The creation of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovative Production in 2007 that focuses on high-tech growth in technology related fields including biotechnology, demonstrates the public sector commitment to a field with a thriving business sector and promising improvements in research and development. By embracing its agricultural advantage and investing in research and innovation, Argentina has seen its stock of biotech companies grow to 120, of which 90 percent are domestic small and medium size. Today, biotechnology researchers in Argentina engage in international collaboration with other scholars and globally recognized institutions and the country has bilateral agreements with other countries to support biotechnology related research and development. There are many governmental and non-profit organizations that are influential in shaping Argentina’s vision on biotechnology. Although the government places importance in providing support in biotechnology research, innovation and investment, the paper argues that the rapid growth trends in the industry requires biotechnology to become higher on the national agenda. The lack of a royalty collection system, the absence of patent protection, and the inadequate sources of venture capital still remain as important problems. Attracting new forms of foreign capital, higher investment in infrastructure, building on existing regional and global networks in research and development, are all important areas for improvement to advance biotechnology in Argentina.


Author Biographies

Claudia Zylberberg, Akron Biotechnology

Claudia Zylberberg, PhD, serves as Chief Executive Officer and President of Akron Biotechnology. She also co-founded Akron Clinical, LLC, a clinical CRO specializing in cell therapy clinical trials in Latin America and AssureImmune, an adult stem cell bank that engages in R&D of cell therapies where she serves as Director of the Scientific Advisory Board. With a PhD in Biotechnology from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada and University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Dr. Zylberberg has over 25 years of experience in the international biopharmaceutical industry. Her expertise is focused on the areas of recombinant protein production and human-derived blood products.  She has authored and co-authored many scientific articles and developed several commercial products for use in the field of cellular biology. She is a member of scientific committee for Alliance of Regenerative Medicine, US Pharmacopeia scientific advisory for ancillary products, BioFlorida Board of Directors, and other local and international organizations.

Asli Ceylan Oner, Florida Atlantic University

Dr. Asli Ceylan Oner is an assistant professor in the School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP) at Florida Atlantic University located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.A. Dr. Oner’s research interests include globalization and planning and governance of global cities, locational strategies of transnational advanced producer service firms, the role of high-tech industries and knowledge economy in global urban competitiveness, and comparative urbanization. Dr. Oner has published articles and book chapters in topics related to transnational firms and global urban networks. She also took part in various projects in Globalization and World Cities Research Group (GaWC) related to globalization and in the Metropolitan Institute of Virginia Tech related to metropolitan decentralization of the US cities. Dr. Oner teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in SURP. She is also the coordinator for the Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning Program in the same school.



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