A snapshot of the successful bio-clusters around the world: Lessons for South African biotechnology


  • Nirvana S. Pillay XCell BioConsulting
  • Ramazan Uctu Stellenbosch University




clusters, developing countries, South Africa


Development of clusters has been one of the critical factors in the success of many countries in the field of biotechnology. Most of the literature has been focused on the biotechnology clusters in developed countries and much less attention has been paid to the development of biotechnology clusters in developing countries. The aim of this research is to exploit the successful bio-clusters in selected developing countries such as Brazil, Cuba, India and China and to learn some lessons for South African bio-clusters. Research found that government played a critical role in creating successful bio-clusters in these developing countries. In South Africa there is evidence of emerging clusters in the Gauteng and Western Cape regions, based on the number of companies concentrated within the regions. With strong government support, these regions could be an important biotechnology hub in Africa continent.

Author Biographies

Nirvana S. Pillay, XCell BioConsulting

Nirvana S. Pillay is the Managing Director at XCell BioConsulting in Cape Town, South Africa. She obtained her PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Cape Town in 2006. She completed her MBA in Entrepreneurship from the Management College of Southern Africa in 2011. Dr. Pillay is a council member that forms part of the leadership, for the Worldwide Clinical Research Society. She has several international peer-reviewed publications.

Ramazan Uctu, Stellenbosch University

Ramazan Uctu is a PhD candidate at the Department of Economics in Stellenbosch University, South Africa.



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