Lean Start-up: A Comprehensive Case Study in the Establishment of Affordable Laboratory Infrastructure


  • Kristopher James Grohn Independent writer, currently affiliated with ICMS, inc
  • Kelsey Moody
  • Danique Wortel
  • Nick LeClair
  • Alison Traina
  • Eric Zluhan
  • Gerold Feuer




Entrepreneurship, Start-up Company, Stem cells, Automation, Biotechnology, DIY bio


Historically, innovation in the biotechnology sector has relied to a large extent on the expensive infrastructure provided by universities or large pharmaceutical companies. This prohibitive start-up expense is the basis of why garage-style biotechnology entrepreneurs are exceedingly rare as compared to their software and high-tech counterparts. Recent consolidation among pharmaceutical companies and the release of next generation research equipment has produced an affordable surplus in the secondary equipment markets, reducing the barrier to entry posed by equipment expenses. We examine the biotechnology start-up Ichor Therapeutics, Inc., and review strategies that the founding team has successfully employed to establish an affordable laboratory, reduce research expenses, and promote communication among team members.

Author Biographies

Kristopher James Grohn, Independent writer, currently affiliated with ICMS, inc

is a graduate of the University of Saskatchewan's Biochemistry program, and is currently serving as a Lab Technician for ICMS, Inc.

Alison Traina

is a graduate student in the College of Graduate Studies at SUNY Upstate Medical University.


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Case Study