Early Commercial Assessments: An Innovative Tactic for Small Biotechs


  • Anthony Giovinazzo Dian Griesel International




As a small biotech company embarks on a drug development program, there is a tendency for management to focus on a well-defined set of issues. Is the science behind the drug valid? Does it solve an interesting problem or unmet need? What are the prospects that the medical community and patients will embrace it as a valuable new solution? And what is the range of indications the drug is conceived as addressing? These are all valid questions, but a small biotech can do even more to prepare itself for the drug development process, which is a journey that can take many years and cost a significant amount of money. 

Author Biography

Anthony Giovinazzo, Dian Griesel International

Anthony Giovinazzo is President and CEO of Cynapsus Therapeutics, Inc., which is developing the only non-injectable (sublingual) delivery of the only approved drug (apomorphine) to be used as a rescue therapy for the on-demand management of “off†motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.





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