A Guide to Time lag and Time lag Shortening Strategies in Oncology-Based Drug Development


  • Berna Uygur
  • Josh Duberman
  • Steven M Ferguson NIH Office of Technology Transfer




time lag, cancer, translational study, technology transfer


One of the ongoing challenges for academic, biotech and pharma organizations involved in oncology-related research and development is how to help scientists be more effective in transforming new scientific ideas into products that improve patients’ lives. Decreasing the time required between bench work and translational study would allow potential benefits of innovation to reach patients more quickly. In this study, the time required to translate cancer-related biomedical research into clinical practice is examined for the most common cancer cases including breast, lung and prostate cancer. The calculated “time lag” typically of 10 years for new oncology treatments in these areas can create fatal delays in a patient’s life. Reasons for the long “time lag” in cancer drug development were examined in detail, and key opinion leaders were interviewed, to formulate suggestions for helping new drugs reach from bench to bed side more quickly.



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