Bioenterprise Media Strategy 2020: Social Media, Mainstream Coverage, and a New Model of Trust

Social Media, Mainstream Coverage, and a New Model of Trust


  • Moira A. Gunn University of San Francisco, School of Management, Director, Business of Biotechnology Program; Producer and Host, BioTech Nation



In 2012 and 2016, the first two strategic science-business media models were published (SBBMM 1.0 and 2.0). Since that time, there have been significant changes both to the media landscape and to the usage and capability of online and social media platforms. This paper seeks to describe the current bioindustry-relevant media landscape, to introduce a new media model, the Strategic Bioenterprise Media Model 2020 (SBMM 2020), which reflects this new landscape, and to present a mainstream submodel to support the latest opportunity for biotechnology media coverage: Mainstream Media. Examples are drawn from media coverage following the FDA approvals of Zulresso from Sage Therapeutics, Aimovig from Novartis and Amgen, and AquAdvantage salmon from AquAdvantage Technologies. The overall goal of this paper is to equip bioenterprise professionals with an understanding of media dynamics and the strategic potential it brings, ultimately contributing to bioenterprise success.

Author Biography

Moira A. Gunn, University of San Francisco, School of Management, Director, Business of Biotechnology Program; Producer and Host, BioTech Nation

Dr. Moira Gunn founded and directs the Business of Biotechnology program in the School of Management at the University of San Francisco, where she is an assistant professor. A former NASA scientist and engineer, she is producer and host of Tech Nation and its regular segment BioTech Nation, which air on the National Public Radio 24-hour Program Stream, among other venues. Dr. Gunn is member of the board of the BayBio Institute.





