Expert-assisted decision-making algorithm for agricultural waste resource utilization
Yongxin Zhou
Yantai Institute of China Agricultural University, Yantai, China,264670
Lei Shao
Yantai Institute of China Agricultural University, Yantai, China,264670
This paper discusses the architecture and efficient algorithm of a novel autonomous robotics application. The proposed system is used for telepresence control of a laboratory-like robotic arm. The system uses an artificial intelligence approach and includes three different modules. One module performs perception to obtain data about the environment, such as position and velocity vectors of objects. A second module outputs decisions based on this data, such as grasping movements to pick up objects or gestures to speak. It also includes an autonomous navigation module that produces navigation commands which are used in the third module, which controls the robotic arm directly by using sequences of movement commands based on trajectory prediction and sensor information about object states. The research study measures that impact of domain-based knowledge acquisition and text mining. Many applications of the expert framework have been developed and published in the literature over the past few decades. Usually, research papers of such applications provide an extensive overview of the problem field, the methods of knowledge acquisition used, and some measure of the application's relative performance. The results of a thorough content review conducted in the IT field also operating management for over data collected from 200 respondent persons. The research analysis discussed here describes the methods of knowledge acquisition of information and the problem area addressed by the applications. This research-based on quantitative and its data sampling depended upon primary. Data collected from questions and put into smart PLS software. For the measuring impact of domain-based knowledge acquisition and text, mining used different tools and techniques, including R square values, the value of F square, model fitness analysis, and the present text mining graph. This is also the first research to give more practical proof that problems are more pragmatically connected with domain-based knowledge techniques than previously. This research discussed domains related problems such as analysis problems, combination problems, etc. results indicate a positive impact of domain-based knowledge acquisition and text mining. The findings of this study will provide managers with real guidance in the context of declining IT budgets on which programs have the most significant potential effect on their organization.