Application of digital health concept in the design of interactive composition teaching platforms
Yifan Zhang
Art Education Center, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Zhengzhou, Henan, 450002, China
To explore the application of digital health concepts in designing interactive composition teaching platforms for popular music in colleges and universities to help popular music achieve innovation in teaching methods. In this paper, we analyze the physiological mechanism of the audio-visual and color physiological mechanism of digital health concepts and realize music visualization based on mobile devices to build an interactive composition teaching platform for popular music. Functional and performance tests were conducted for the platform built in this paper. The performance test shows that when the number of concurrent users is 2000, the CPU, database and memory occupancy are 20.12%, 10.36% and 5.56%, respectively, and the response time is 202.1 ms. This shows that the digital health concept through music visualization makes the interactive teaching platform of pop music effective and provides a new path for pop music composition teaching.