Xianfeng Yan
Guangxi Arts University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530000, China



Based on conceptual metaphors, this paper firstly screens and classifies the main features of the original corpus to determine whether it has metaphorical features. Metaphor, as a rhetorical technique, connects abstract concepts with concrete images. Then, each metaphorical corpus is assembled by a discriminator, and the conceptual structures and features mapped from the original corpus are combined with those in the target domain to form a new discourse structure. Finally, the entire generated corpus is annotated and cognitive analysis is performed according to the annotated classes. It was found that the green health concept plays an important role in the news discourse, especially with the biological environment, which accounts for an average of 66% of the reported resources, and news reports about the green health concept have a high reading volume, with an average of 2950 times per month. This indicates that the public has a high level of concern about green health and is willing to actively obtain relevant information. This is important for promoting the communication effect of bio-environmental protection, and provides strong support for promoting sustainable development and ecological balance.