Exploring Sustainable Piano Pedagogy: A Green Health Education Approach for College-Level Music Instruction
Yuanyuan Liao
Nanning Normal University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530001, China
Piano teaching can cultivate people’s emotions, and this paper analyzes the current situation of college students’ piano based on the concept of green health education from the perspective of biology. Through the design of the mental health course and the piano teaching under “Internet+”, the green piano teaching system of the university is established. In order to realize “Internet+” piano teaching, individual user management and system security management, a biometric piano teaching system based on biometric technology was established by combining face recognition technology and keystroke biometric technology. After the test and application of the new model of piano teaching, the bioethical view score was improved by 109%, the rest of the biological behaviors were improved by about 50%-75%, and the accuracy rate of system recognition would be stable at about 96%. The maximum value of CPU utilization was 14.89%, which was less than the standard value of 80%. The maximum value of pages read from or written to the hard disk is 0.43, and the minimum value is 0.00, which is in line with the standard range 00~20, and the system as a whole passes the test. Based on this research can realize the innovative teaching mode of piano for college students.