Highlighting the role played by distance learning methods in strengthening the bioethics in the biotechnology curriculum in Singapore
Janire Alkorta
Department of Chemistry & Biotechnology, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
Maite Mujika
LimKokWing University, Cyberjaya 63000, Selangor, Malaysia.
An integral aspect of biotechnology programs in educational institutions is bioethics education. The current study examines the impact of online learning (OL) and AI-based learning (AI) on bioethics education (BE) in Singapore. The study aimed to statistically analyze the data, and for this purpose, survey questionnaires were utilized to obtain data from students in different programs to evaluate the proposed hypotheses. With the use of non-probability sampling techniques, a total of 300 respondents were obtained. The statistical analysis of the data through regression analysis revealed that online learning significantly impacts BE. Similarly, a significant association was found between AI and BE. The findings of the study contribute to the existing literature on bioethics and are highly significant for educators, policymakers, and government to re-design bioethics education through AI/VR-based and OL to provide an enriched, interactive classroom experience that can benefit students.