Entrepreneurial capabilities and performance of biotechnology firms; evidence from Singaporean firms
Jürgen Zanghellini
TUM School of Life Science, Technical University of Munich, Chair of Brewing and Beverage Technology, Freising, Germany,
Marco Eigenfeld
CEIT-Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA), Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain.
This study aims to evaluate the influence entrepreneurial capabilities have on the success of biotechnology firms in Singapore. To gain a deeper comprehension of what factors contribute to an entrepreneur's level of success, the researcher focused their attention on three aspects of entrepreneurial capabilities: innovativeness, pro activeness, and risk-taking. The participants in this study were all high-level management employees working for Singapore's biotechnology organization, which served as the unit of analysis for this particular study. A total of 358 people responded to the questionnaire. According to the statistical study findings, entrepreneurial qualities are important predictors of the performance of biotechnology businesses in Singapore. This was the case for all three dimensions comprising entrepreneurial capabilities. In addition, a conceptual measurement model and structural equation modeling are developed to investigate the influence entrepreneurial talents have on the development of biotechnology enterprises. Both the hypothesis and the data were given careful consideration and analysis. In conclusion, the outcomes of this study put the researchers in a variety of directions for their further work in the future.