Yan Liu
Financial Assets Department, State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Co., Ltd. Shaoxing Power Supply Company, Shaoxing, Zhejiang, 312000, China.



The collaborative development of the supply chain of agricultural biomass power generation enterprises has a very significant impact on improving the operational performance of enterprises. This paper discusses the development status of agricultural biomass power generation enterprises applicable to bioinformatics technology and analyzes their supply chain structure. It analyzes the problems of supply chain synergy and the sustainable development of operational performance as well as the key synergy influencing factors. In order to further explore the deep influence mechanism of supply chain synergy and operational performance of agricultural biomass power generation enterprises, it is verified with examples. The results show that the necessary consistency of the antecedent variables benefit distribution synergy and technology development synergy are 0.915 and 0.931, respectively, and the sufficient consistency of cost control synergy is about 0.806. Agricultural biomass power generation enterprises in the supply chain synergy in the distribution of benefits synergy and technology development synergy will have a positive impact on the operational performance, the enterprise needs to focus on the optimization of the distribution of benefits, innovation and technological development, reasonable control of costs, and thus promote the improvement of operational performance.