Chenglei Liang
Dongfang College, Shandong University of Finance and Economics, Tai’an, Shandong, 271000, China.



This study explores the intricate relationship between household tourism consumption behavior and pharmaceutical marketing through a biotechnological lens. Utilizing advanced data analytics, we construct a biological network to systematically analyze tourism datasets, revealing the degree of correlation between tourism consumption behaviors and pharmaceutical marketing strategies. The investigation focuses on family tourism behaviors and their influence on the strategic planning and layout of pharmaceutical marketing, identifying them as interconnected nodes within a life cycle system. We establish a comprehensive model that integrates the vertical and horizontal relationships across the entire lifecycle of consumer behavior and drug marketing. This model is underpinned by ecological principles and aims to foster an integrated approach to family-style health care, supporting the pharmaceutical market's development. We introduce a novel concept of family-style health tourism that merges health care with travel consumer behavior, designed to optimize health outcomes and market penetration simultaneously. Empirical results from our analysis indicate a sustained growth in total operating income, exceeding 45.033 billion yuan from 2017 to 2022. Furthermore, the medical and pharmaceutical index has exhibited a significant upward trend, reaching a value of 0.375 in 2022. These findings validate the effectiveness of the family-style health tourism wellness model, highlighting its potential to enhance pharmaceutical marketing strategies by leveraging the associative dynamics between family tourism behaviors and the pharmaceutical market.