Han Li
The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Center, Tianjin Sino-German University of Applied Sciences, Tianjin, 300350, China.
Peng Li
Department of psychology, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin, 300380, China



By analyzing the scope of digital health in colleges and universities, this paper explores the role of digital health for the physical and mental development of college and university students from the perspectives of smart sports and mental health. According to the general intensity of work in the pre-innovation and entrepreneurship period, it discusses the correlation between physical fitness and college students’ innovation and entrepreneurship. The influence of the degree of mental health on college students’ innovation and entrepreneurship is explored from the four aspects of mental quality. Analyze the psychological state of students in combination with the behavioral phenomenon of slow employment of college students. By analyzing the current situation of innovation and entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities, corresponding solution paths are put forward for the problems. The results show that updating the concept of innovation and entrepreneurship education is conducive to improving students’ cognition of innovation and entrepreneurship. The freshmen and sophomore students’ cognition of innovation and entrepreneurship mainly focuses on the requirements of the curriculum, with a cognitive degree of 0.8, and the juniors and seniors mainly focus on the cognition of innovation and entrepreneurship, with a cognitive degree of 0.65 and 0.75. The establishment of the university curriculum and the system of disciplines and specialties is conducive to the improvement of the students’ innovation and entrepreneurship practice ability. The highest proportion of problems in the curriculum is the content and method of innovation and entrepreneurship teaching, accounting for 0.71, which is mainly reflected in the fact that the teaching focuses on theoretical knowledge, the practicality is not strong, and the combination with professional knowledge is not close. After the sound curriculum system, the practical ability of students has been greatly improved. This study is conducive to improving the innovation and entrepreneurship ability of college students and promoting the development of teaching in colleges and universities.