Shadiya Baqutayan
senior lecturer
Husni Alhan Md Salimun



The purpose of this paper is to discuss on the latest progress of the NBP 2005 through selecting significant performance indicators towards the end of policy tenure, which is nurturing 20 global status companies. The research was carried out through qualitative method using verbatim analysis from Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with lead implementing agencies, Bioeconomy Corporation and also supported by desktop research from the statistics provided and literature review. Through this research, general performances in NBP Phase II were examined, as they will influence the strategies execution in the Phase III. Hence, researcher was exploring the global companies in the context of NBP in term of definition, grooming programs, potential and existing companies, characteristics, niches, and other relevant information related. The findings of this research indicated that NBP Phase II showed significant achievements while general information on the global companies been obtained, mostly in 3 main biotechnology sectors the namely agriculture, healthcare and industrial biotechnology due to non- disclosure agreement with the companies. Therefore, this research is very useful, it could possibly benefit policy makers in the future on policy planning, and intervention in science, technology, and innovation related policy. Finally, originality value from this research will unlock possibility for future study to conduct quantitative survey on the respective companies and also other international benchmarking indicators. However, the study was only based on the FGD session, documents analysis, and information given from ministries and agencies officers.

Keywords:Biotechnology ,Bioeconomy Corporation ,global company ,en ,